Processing US energy data with EIA API

Understand the structure of the EIA API and learn how to use it with Python to automate the downloads and exports into an Excel.

Every hour, the US power grid coordinates the electricity supply and demand. A lot of data is generated in the process.

For example, the following chart represents the electricity demand by subregion.

Electricity demand by subregion

Instead of downloading the Excel files manually, and clicking through the menus, you can automate the process using programming.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the EIA (Energy Information Administration) API with Python.


  1. How to identify indicators from EIA API?
  2. How to use EIA API to download data programmatically?
  3. How to build a table from API response data?
  4. How to overcome EIA API data limits?
  5. How to filter data from a specific period?
  6. How to export data into an Excel file?



Register on the official EIA API website, to get the API key, which is necessary to request data.


Data catalogs

The EIA API provides access to numerous data catalogs. The following code uses the API’s base URL to request the catalog’s list.


import requests

res = requests.get(URL_BASE, params={'api_key': API_KEY})
data = res.json()

EIA API data catalog

Nested categories

Since we are interested in the electricity demand, we’ll use the electricity endpoint.

endpoint = 'electricity'
url = URL_BASE + endpoint

res = requests.get(url, params={'api_key': API_KEY})
data = res.json()

There are nested categories within each catalog.

The demand is available through the rto endpoint.

Nested categories within electricity endpoint

Request data from endpoint

Configure the endpoint electricity/rto/daily-region-sub-ba-data to get the demand by Balancing Authority subregion.

At the end of the URL, add data to download the data instead of the endpoint information.

endpoint = 'electricity/rto/daily-region-sub-ba-data/'
url = URL_BASE + endpoint + 'data'

res = requests.get(url, params={'api_key': API_KEY})
data = res.json()

Build table from API response data

The response from the API is not represented in a tabular format. It is a JSON object. Therefore, we need to transform it into a table using the pandas library.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(data['response']['data'])

Limited data from EIA API without values

There is a problem with the limits of the data. The API returns only the first 5,000 rows and the value of the electricity demand doesn’t appear in the table.

How to fetch all the data until now with the values?

Fetching all data with values

Using the offset parameter, you can fetch the data in chunks of 5,000 rows.

With the data[] parameter, you’ll get the values of the electricity demand.

This process may take some time; you may sit comfortably ;)

parameters = {
    'api_key': API_KEY,
    'offset': 0,
    'data[]': 'value'

data_all = []

while True:
    res = requests.get(url, params=parameters)
    data = res.json()
    if len(data['response']['data']) < 5000:

    parameters['offset'] += 5000

df = pd.DataFrame(data_all)

Complete data from EIA API with values

What if you’d like to download the data from a specific period?

Filter data from specific period

For example, to filter the data from 2024, you can use the start parameter to specify the initial date.

parameters = {
    'api_key': API_KEY,
    'offset': 0,
    'data[]': 'value',
    'start': '2024-01-01'

Filtered data from date using EIA API parameters

Export data table to Excel

Finally, you can export the data to an Excel file to analyze it there.

Although, you might want to save time analyzing the data directly in Python ;)



Now, instead of manually downloading EIA data and navigating through menus, you know how to automate the process using Python.

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to:

  1. Identify indicators from EIA API.
  2. Use EIA API to download data programmatically.
  3. Build a table from API response data.
  4. Overcome EIA API data limits.
  5. Filter data from a specific period.
  6. Export data into an Excel file.

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