Isolation Forest to detect anomalies in time series data

Learn to detect anomalies in time series with Python, using advanced techniques and Machine Learning algorithms.

Based on the energy generation bids recorded by EOLICA AUDAX (ADXVD04) in the OMIE market during 2023, this article presents an analysis of anomalies in the time series.

Visualization of detected anomalies in the energy generation bids of EOLICA AUDAX (ADXVD04) in the OMIE market during 2023.
F1. Initial anomaly detection

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop an anomaly detection model for time series with Python based on a practical case.


Each row represents the energy that the bidding unit ADXVD04 has recorded in the OMIE market during 2023.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
Representation of the raw data of energy bids by the unit ADXVD04 in the OMIE market throughout 2023, before applying anomaly detection techniques
F2. Raw energy bid data


  1. How to extract temporal properties to detect anomalies?
  2. How to use the Isolation Forest algorithm to identify anomalous data?
  3. How to configure the algorithm to detect a specific percentage of data as anomalous?
  4. What techniques are used to visualize anomalous data in the time series?


Temporal Columns

Following the steps of this tutorial, we create temporal columns that could explain the reason for anomalous data.

df.datetime = pd.to_datetime(df.datetime)
df.set_index('datetime', inplace=True)

df = (df
     month = lambda x: x.index.month,
     hour = lambda x: x.index.hour,
Preparation of the energy bid data from ADXVD04 for anomaly analysis, including the creation of temporal columns based on the date and time of the bids.
F3. Data preparation for analysis

Anomaly Model

To detect anomalous data, we use the IsolationForest algorithm from the sklearn library. We set the contamination parameter to auto so the model automatically detects anomalous data.

from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

model = IsolationForest(contamination='auto', random_state=42)

Automatic Anomaly Percentage

Using the mathematical equation optimized by the algorithm, we calculate the anomalous data to visualize the percentage of anomalies.

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df['anomaly'] = model.predict(df_model)

 .rename(index={1: 'Normal', -1: 'Anomaly'})
Analysis of the percentage of bids considered anomalous according to the automatic setting of the Isolation Forest algorithm, highlighting the proportion of data labeled as normal versus anomalous.
F4. Percentage of automatic anomalies

A 65.4% of ADXVD04 bids are anomalous according to the model’s automatic setting.

Specifying Anomaly Percentage

It’s not logical for the majority of the data to be considered anomalous. Therefore, we adjust the contamination parameter to 0.01 so the model detects 1% of the data as anomalous.

model = IsolationForest(contamination=.01, random_state=42)
df['anomaly'] = model.predict(df_model)

Visualizing Time Series with Anomalies

Finally, we select the anomalous data:

s_anomaly = df.query('anomaly == -1').energy

And visualize them with points on the original time series using the graph_objects sublibrary of plotly.

import plotly.graph_objects as go

        go.Scatter(x=s_anomaly.index, y=s_anomaly, mode='markers'),
        go.Scatter(x=df.index,, mode='lines')
Detail of the time series of energy bids from ADXVD04 with the anomalies detected by the Isolation Forest model highlighted, allowing a direct visualization of the atypical points over the general pattern of the bids.
F5. Time series with marked anomalies

We can observe that the model detects anomalous observations, especially in the peaks of the time series.

What else could we do to analyze the anomalies? I’m looking forward to your comments.


  1. Extraction of Temporal Properties: df.assign to create month and hour columns from the DatetimeIndex.
  2. IsolationForest Algorithm: sklearn includes this algorithm in its Machine Learning framework.
  3. Model Adjustment for Specific Anomaly Percentage: IsolationForest(contamination=0.01) adjusts the model’s sensitivity to identify 1% of the data as anomalous.
  4. Techniques for Visualizing Anomalous Data: plotly.graph_objects.Figure allows us to combine in a visualization both the anomalous data and the original time series.

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