Unstack data frame after grouping to create heat matrix

Python tutorial to unstack the row categories into columns (long to wide table) to later create a heat matrix.

The following table represents a heat matrix that highlights the total amount of electricity, in terawatt-hours (TWh), produced by each source within the US48 power grid during 2023.

Heat matrix showcasing electricity generation by source in the US48 power grid for 2023.
F1. Heat matrix of electricity generation by source in 2023

To create the heat matrix from the raw dataset, which typically comes in a long format, we need to apply several steps that will be covered in this tutorial.

Before we begin, let’s understand the dataset we are working with.


The US power grid produces electricity from various sources, such as natural gas, solar, and petroleum, every hour. The amount of electricity produced by each source is recorded in each row of the dataset.

The data is provided by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Check out this tutorial to learn how to retrieve the data from the EIA API.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
Base DataFrame showing the initial format of electricity generation data before processing.
F2. Initial DataFrame of electricity generation data


  1. How can we transform a DataFrame from long to wide format?
  2. Which function summarizes data into categories?
  3. How do we visualize data trends through a heat matrix?


GroupBy to Summarize Data into Categories

Before writing the code to group the data, consider which columns are categorical and which are numerical:

  1. Categorical columns contain the categories for grouping the data.
  2. Numerical columns contain the values on which mathematical operations will be applied.

In energy generation analysis, it’s crucial to identify the sources used to produce electricity each hour. This helps measure, for example, the utilization rate of renewable versus non-renewable sources. Therefore:

  1. Categorical columns: hour, source
  2. Numerical columns: generation
  3. Mathematical operation: sum
sr = df.groupby(['hour', 'source']).generation.sum()
Resulting object after applying GroupBy and sum operations on the generation DataFrame by hour and source.
F3. Grouped data by hour and source with sum operation

With 192 rows spread across 24 hours and [X] sources, can you spot the differences? It’s challenging at a glance, so let’s unstack the DataFrame.

Unstack Row Categories to Columns

Instead of having sources as rows, we’ll unstack them into columns for a comprehensive view of energy generation by source and hour.

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dfr = (df
 .groupby(['hour', 'source'])
DataFrame with sources unstacked into columns, showing energy generation by source and hour.
F4. DataFrame with energy sources unstacked into columns

Now, we have a more compact view, but it’s still hard to discern which sources are most used based on the hour. Let’s proceed to create the heat matrix.

Heat Matrix with Background Gradient

Following the guidelines from this tutorial on styling a DataFrame to create a heat matrix, we’ll highlight the maximum values in TWh (dividing by 1 million since the values are in MWh) with a gradient background.

Final heat matrix with a background gradient highlighting the intensity of electricity generation by source and hour.
F5. Final heat matrix highlighting generation intensity by source

From the heat matrix, it’s observable that solar energy production exceeded 10 TWh from the 17th to the 19th hour.

Which other insights can you spot? I’ll read you in the comments!


  1. Long to Wide Transformation: Unstacking rows into columns effectively transforms the DataFrame, providing a clearer, panoramic view of data.
  2. Data Summarization: Using groupby and sum operations allows for concise data categorization, essential for analysis.
  3. Heat Matrix Visualization: Styling DataFrames with a background_gradient accentuates key trends, making insights more accessible.

Instead of using two functions: groupby and unstack, you could utilize the pivot_table function to achieve the same outcome. See the tutorial here.

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